DynaMOMENTS – Peaceful Pastures

I just love the beautiful picture that my daughter Maggie painted for me years ago.  It seems just perfect to remind us that spring is around the corner.  It depicts my walk with sweet Mollie out in our yard with Maggie watching from behind a tree – a Mother’s Day gift which hangs silently on the wall yet speaks to me each day, several times, when I looks at it.  Why do I like it?  I like it because it came from a heart of love; it came from a heart that knew what was important to me; it came from a heart that took time to show care.  All of this still brings healing to me even now.  Love never fails; love is always an antidote even when you don’t think you need it.  Receive and give it, my friends.  Be blameless by embracing the love that only God has for you and others.  Receive and give.


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