Brain | Body | Beliefs

Uniquely Connected In Every Individual

The Truth Will Set You Free

Dynamo Truth Health and Wellness exists to remind everyone that they were created by God for a purpose, a purpose that includes living a life with optimum health for each individual, a purpose which entails thinking, believing and doing based on what is actually true with the ultimate purpose to do God's will. To encourage this, focus is on understanding each individual's unique story to promote learning, power the body, and prevent mental decline for the whole lifespan in order to have peace in both brain and body. God's Word is the foundation for these goals.

Maureen’s goal is to reach as many individuals as possible to help educate and coach them through strategies to promote a stronger brain and body through nourishing the complete person over the whole lifespan. This includes educating parents on how to use nutrition and daily lifestyle habits to help their children with better learning and behavior as well as adults who want to maintain a strong and healthy body through the aging process while at the same time preventing mental decline and muscle loss. Maureen understands the difficulty in establishing habits and lifestyle choices to promote these goals as she has managed to navigate her own mental and physical health by lifestyle and nutritional habits to combat weight gain, anxiety, energy, body composition and many other facets of her health as well as the health of her children.  Her niche is not one particular disease, health condition, physical challenge or mental concern, but rather her niche is in how she approaches her clients and their complete health by connecting the aspects of the brain, body and beliefs.  She utilizes a functional approach in finding the root cause of their dilemma. 

What I Do

I Coach.

I coach people who are ready to hear the TRUTH and apply it to their lives, people who are ready to give up bad habits, people who are ready to change for the better, people who are tired of staying stuck in a position that has stifled their lives for years, people ready to address root causes.

I Care.

I care enough about people that I would rather give them the TRUTH that helps them break out of the patterns which have hindered them from experiencing joy, satisfaction, and peace. True nourishment of the whole person based on truth is the foundational principle of this care.

I Create.

I create a strategic plan based on the TRUTH including an individual’s history, current situation and targeted lifestyle modifications. This enables the person to achieve their own personal health and wellness encompassing the complete person – mind, body, spirit.

What My Clients Say

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Dealing with a lack of motivation to stay on track with good habits and truth? Struggling to stay in the boundaries you know are good for you? Check out the blog for some TRUTH to motivate you.


Those who tell stories teach principles for everyone and these stories are made of moments in time. Check out the blog for “moments” of TRUTH that are sure to motivate.


Mollie is beautiful. Her life exudes humility, beauty and TRUTH, not to mention pure love. If Mollie can do it – so can you. Check out the blog for some dynaMOLLIE anecdotes about this unique individual.

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