Holy, Wholly Health

Certainly you know what “holy” means, and hopefully your thoughts go to God immediately.  Certainly, you know what “health” means, and your thought probably envision a strong body in movement without struggle.  BUT, and this is a big, big BUT, what do you think of when you hear the word “wholly”. Let me explain.

Quoting from Google, “wholly” simple means “to the full or entire extent, completely.  Of course, God is completely Holy; of course He is entire, and when we ponder Him and His way as well as His involvement in our lives, we all would consider that He is completely concerned about us and our lives, down to details with never a shadow of turning.

Health is a common word these days.  It seems everyone is concerned about their health, or they have a health issue, or they have a loved one with a health issue.  It appears so many people are trying to improve their health.  We talk about physical health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health; we talk about cardiac health, brain health and intestinal health; we talk about family health, financial health, public health.  Yes, it is all around us.

Hear me out here!  How many experts, doctors, pastors, psychologists, counselors, and therapists emphasize the importance of “complete health” or “whole health” to their clients?  How often does your pastor challenge you on your physical health and how you are treating your body (both your physical body and the Body of Christ) and relate it to your spiritual health and mental health?  How many doctors emphasize the importance of your spiritual health to your physical health and the connection they have to one another and how they affect each other?  How many therapists link the mental health of their clients to their gut health or their spiritual health?  

These are all important, and this is what I have been doing in all of my writing and videos, and now,  in my YouTube series entitled “HOLY, WHOLLY HEALTH”.  Please check out the latest videos entitled “Holy, Wholly Health” and enjoy the connection from the Sunday sermons of truth that my pastors present to the health of your brain, body and beliefs.  Five videos are up on YouTube now, and they cover topics on the tongue, love and truth, and apostacy while continuing with my goal to connect these to your overall health using God’s Word for a better brain, body and beliefs.

Check it out now on YouTube when you go to my channel.  Here is the link.  

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