DynaMOMENTS – PSALM 90: Teach Us to Number Our Days

Psalm 90:12       “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

How might we live to the age of 90?  Exercise? Eat right? Sleep well? Laugh often? Drink water? Maintain relationships?

Or go to church? Read our Bibles? Pray? Forgive?

Or have a grateful attitude? A humble spirit? A loving demeanor? A patient personality? A kind heart?

Well, all of these are great ideas, great action steps, great principles to live by, and of course, great beliefs to build your habits which will build your behavior which will build your life.  They are all connected.

Health is not just about one thing.  Many people want it to be easy so they go for the silver bullet that will solve all of their problems.  However, there is not just one silver bullet that will solve all of your problems.  Dr. Dale Bredesen, author of The End of Alzheimer’s Program: The First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at Any Age, enlightens us to the many different aspects that contribute to our health and determine the length of our lives as well as the health of our brains and bodies until will die.

He refers to this as “36 holes in the roof”.  If you have 36 holes in your roof, you would repair all of them.  So it is with our health, our brain health in particular as it relates to Alzheimer’s Disease.  There is not just one “silver bullet” intervention that will improve or solve this problem.  It is multifaceted.  Such things as eating 3 hours before bed, decreasing carbohydrates and processed foods, fasting for at least 12 hours per day, increasing fat and protein intake and many other aspects are recognized and implemented in his program.  Thus, he has seen a decrease in the Alzheimer’s dementia in those individuals who follow his protocol.

Let me tell you about a woman who is turning age 90 this weekend.  Although she has eaten sugar her entire life, it was with moderation.  She did not experience the onslaught of processed foods from a young age as most Americans do now.  She ate lots of vegetables and meat.  Yes, she liked her sweets, but it was in moderation.  She kept her weight down after each baby born as well as during middle age.

Although this woman had 10 children and was a smoker, she stopped smoking and continued to keep her weight down.  She lost weight if she gained any.  She fasted some.  She went to bed at regular hours and well after her last meal had been eaten. 

She moved a lot.  Although she did not exercise as we would consider it today, she did her own housework; she walked steps; she kept busy; she moved; she walked; she earned her sleep at night.

She believed in God.  She went to church.  She kept relationships intact.  She served others.  She gave thanks and laughed often.  She forgave many.  She prayed daily.

She said little which meant she did not complain much.  She focused on what was good rather than what was the problem.  She did not repeat stressful communication or the embarrassing problems of others.

She read her Bible and gained a heart of wisdom.  She listened to advice.  She offered it cautiously.  She made an effort to maintain good habits and peace with people.  She served her family and yet established boundaries to guard her privacy and her time and efforts.

Although this woman has memory trouble at this time, her mind was sharp (and actually still is…without a good memory) until a few years ago.  Although she doesn’t follow all of the Bredesen Protocol, she has had many of his suggestions as part of her lifestyle most of her life without knowing it.  She didn’t overeat and did not have processed foods.  She had stable blood sugar regulation.  She drank water and moved her body.  She went to bed without feeling stuffed.  She ate protein and greens.  Was she perfect?  No, but she was 80% effective in this (Pareto Principle – 80% of output is determined by 20% of input).  As you see, she had a pretty good percentage.

If you don’t listen to me, listen to what this woman’s age and “pretty good” health tell you.  By the way, she was never on medication until recently; she rarely got sick; she avoided doctors; she got to enjoy all of her grandchildren.  She washed her hands, and she pursued peace.

Seek peace and pursue it, my friends.  Be blameless today by regarding the habits of this woman who numbered her days to gain a heart of wisdom.

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