DynaMOMENTS – Health is NOT Rocket Science, My Friends!

PSALM 131: 1

                “My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.”


It’s real simple, people!  Just quit the toxic thoughts, the toxic food, the toxic beliefs.  It is NOT rocket science.

Let’ s encourage one another.  We do NOT have to be psychologists; we do not have to be doctors; we do not have to be theologians.

It is so simple:  You do not have to think about all of the world’s problems and solve them.  Instead, take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  You do NOT have to know the intricate details of your immune system or your gut microbiome.  Instead, just quit eating sugar and flour and eat protein and the colors of the rainbow.  You do NOT have to know the Hebrew or Greek word origin.  Instead, let HIS WORD be a lamp unto your feet.  Simply love God and your neighbor.


Do NOT get caught up in the fads, or the hot topics, or the intricate details and overload of knowledge that is thrown at your daily.  Just think on what is pure, lovely and true; just eat healthy and move; just believe HIS WORD and trust in HIM.


LET THE GOD OF PEACE BE WITH YOU.  Humbly accept the PEACE our LORD has for you with gratitude.  How healthy this will be for you as it relieves stress and brings satisfaction.


Just try it – quit the toxic thoughts, quit the sugar, quit the disbelief – see what happens in your brain, body and beliefs.  AND don’t forget good sleep, water, and relationships.  It all all matters.

Seek peace and pursue it, my friends.  Be blameless today by putting away arrogance and the toxic thoughts, habits and beliefs.


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