DynaMOMENTS: God’s Unfailing Love and Full Forgiveness

My Friends,

I just can’t seem to move on from such basic truths as God’s unfailing love and His full forgiveness. This reminds me of when I was a child and played sports. My father would always yell the basics to me before I left for a game; he would always yell the basics to me during the game; he would always reiterate these after the game. Truly, he emphasized that is you did not do the basics, you could not play the game well. This is so true from the biblical perspective, also. If we do not “do” or “believe” or “walk in” the “basics”, we, of course, will not be able to “win” the spiritual game that God has positioned us. However, this is not game; this is real life; this is the path of righteousness; this is the pat of humility. Most importantly, this is the path of LOVE.

So, what are the basic. It is in the title of today’s blog: GOD’S UNFAILING LOVE and FULL FORGIVENESS. I love this truth. It was realized afresh in me this spring. One of my dear missionary friends who works with international students sent a link of one of his sermons to many of his supporters about the truth of the forgiveness God has extended to us. When I dutifully listened to the message, I arrogantly thought to myself, “Yes, of course, Ed. Tell me something I do not know.” Isn’t that an ugly thought, taking for granted something so marvelous, so costly, so important, so eternally basic and foundation, but yes, this is what I was thinking. As you might judge me, I will admit, that I was having a pity party before, during, but not after the message.

As my friend Ed continued with his message, the truth began to ring loud and clear again and again in me. The sin and the disappointment that I had been feeling for many months began to well up in me as I realized how ungrateful I had been to the Lord for this precious gift that we take for granted. At the end of his message, I was a different person; not necessarily changed yet, but different.

Later that week, his message would ring loud and clear. You must be informed at this time that I had been living in Psalm 130 where the psalmist laments to the Lord that with Him is unfailing love and full forgiveness. He does this after announcing that he was crying out to God from the depths and even proclaims to the Almighty, “Out of the depths, I cry to you; If you, Lord kept a record of sins, who, O Lord could stand, but with you is unfailing love and full forgiveness.” This is wonderful news, never to be taken for granted and certainly never to be spurned or scorned like an arrogant fool, but I was guilty of this – another example of how patient and full of unfailing love that God is.

Yes, later that week, I was to experience the great regret of making a mistake that not only could have physically hurt someone, but was clearly and entirely my fault. I was overwhelmed with concern, and yet despite my earlier “arrogance” and the “taking for granted” of God’s wonderful truth, I claimed this truth that spoke to me afresh. I had a renewed “joy of my salvation”. I was at the throne of grace pleading with God that truly if His word is true, it is still true for me despite how long I have known it. For some reason, I was living with the lie that is should not be for me anymore because I should have learned it by now, somewhat like “doing the basics” in a sports game. After all, when you are a seasoned player (taking softball for an example), you should be able to hit, run and catch the ball. I was a pitcher so I “threw strikes”. If ever I had an omission to do this, my dear old dad would readily holler, “Throw strike!” This by the way meant something else, “Hey, daughter, I believe in you; I care about you; I am not going to leave the game just because you messed up.” Does this sound like “unfailing love” to you. On a human level, I think we could compare, but it is no comparison to the unfailing love and the full forgiveness that God has for us; that He has for my father, also. (By the way, my father is 92 and still watches baseball.)

You might be asking, “What in the world does this have to do with health, with a better brain, body and belief?” Well, I will tell you: THE BASICS ARE SO IMPORTANT. While we need to know and believe that God has unfailing love for us and full forgiveness, we also are able to believe that this forgiveness is for our health, also. He made our bodies to heal; yes, HE MADE OUR BODIES to heal. No matter how awful you have been to your body; no matter what has happened to it by your choices or dilemmas, God has unfailing love for you and full forgiveness for what has happened. Yes, consequences might exist, but be assured that He is able to work with your “redeemed” choices to live more wisely and according to the basics.

Now the question is this: “What are the basics?” Let me give you three ideas to ponder, but I will expand on them in my next blog. Do not scorn or spurn the wisdom of these words as I scorned the wisdom and wonderful truth of Ed’s word to remind so many of God’s forgiveness. Here are the three ideas. 1) Sleep) 2)Blood sugar regulation and 3) Poop (let’s call this digestion or bowel elimination). Yes sleep, blood sugar regulation and poop daily!

Now, my friends, be blameless by thanking God for His unfailing love and full forgiveness and move into blameless living by looking at your sleep, blood sugar regulation and digestion. Be blameless, my friends, be blameless by doing the basics.

Seek peace and pursue it!

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