DynaMOMENTS – Every Morning, I WILL

DynaMOMENTS – Every Morning, I WILL

Psalm 101:8

“Every morning I will put to silence all the wicked of the land; I will cut off every evildoer from the city of the Lord.”

My Friends, every morning we have a new opportunity to remember His faithfulness, to sing of His love and justice, to receive his mercies anew.  Yes, every morning.  Do this and consider what else you WILL do.

According to Psalm 101:8, the Psalmist states that he will “put to silence all the wicked of the land” and he will “cut off every evildoer from the city of the Lord.”  This sounds pretty severe don’t you think?  This sounds pretty dedicated don’t you think?  This sounds pretty difficult don’t you think?  Well, actually, let’s ponder a couple of “options” to what this might look like, to what this might really entail from you, to what you might actually be called to do and what exactly you have the power to do.

First of all, this is a daily habit.  Are you in the habit of singing of His love and justice?  If not, you might not want to think that YOU are ready to silence all the wicked of the land or cut off evildoers. 

Secondly, are you walking within your house with a blameless heart?  If not, you might want to consider who the others are whom you think you are to silence as well as what really is wicked and who the evildoer is?  In other words, is the evildoer you?

Thirdly, do you silence the slander in you own heart and do you have nothing to do with what is vile or perverse in your own heart?  Again, why are you looking at the wicked in the land, if you have your own wickedness staring at you from the mirror?

Fourthly, are your eyes on the faithful and blameless of the land and are you “hanging out” with them and do you let yourself be ministered to by them?  Are you receiving their input and is their input based on God’s standards?  OR are you focused only on the wicked and the evildoers?  In other words, are your eyes on HIM, the Faithful One, THE BLAMELESS ONE, the one who allows you to be blameless?

Finally, are you listening to those who practice deceit and who speak falsehood? Are you one of them?

Let’s say it together, my friends, “Ouchie!”  Yes, “Ouchie!”  Or maybe we could say, “Whoops, looks like I need to drop down to my knees and confess to my Lord that I have been slanderous, that I have not been focusing on Him, that I have been wicked, unfaithful, not blameless, speaking falsehood (even twisting the truth a bit), practicing deceit (not giving full disclosure) and oh yes, this all happens in my own heart even before I sing of HIS love and justice.

So today, my Friends, before you imitate the Psalmist be attempting to silence the all the wicked of the land and by cutting off the evildoers, look within yourself.  First, silence the wickedness in your own heart, cut off the evildoer in your own person.  

Consider that the “city of the Lord” is the “city of your own heart”.  Silence the wicked of the land by practicing righteousness like He who is righteous.  Cut of the evildoer by doing good to them in obeying the Law of Love that Jesus our Lord commanded us.

My Friends, be blameless in the city of your own heart.  Be blameless, by silencing with obedience.

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