Coaching & Services
Many people associate weight loss with counting calories, exercising more, and being hungry all of the time. This is not rooted in what is true. What we eat impacts our blood sugar regulation and insulin production which in turn affect our hunger. Our fat intake affects our hormone levels including the hormones which manage our hunger signals. For years, we Americans have held to the notion that a high carbohydrate, low fat diet was the way to optimize our health. Look at our society. We have weight and physical challenges which are costing us our health and happiness. These are also a huge financial burden and stressor on our relationships and overall wellbeing. What and when we eat, the composition of our meals, our stress level while we eat – these all matter. Education on weight loss and how to manage weight challenges are a primary goals of DynaMO as she understands this burden in a very personal way and cares about helping people navigate through the struggle by providing education that will help them to see the patterns that have kept them mastered by misinformation and cravings.
Our body composition matters. It is not just enough to look at the scale and see that our weight is “within normal limits”. Knowing your muscle and fat composition is helpful in determining how healthy you really are. Have you heard of TOFI? This means “thin on the outside; fat on the inside”. This is not good. You might be “thin”, but in reality you could be low on muscle mass. We need muscle to maintain health and this takes effort. Consuming enough protein and exercising using some strength training are important interventions for your health. This is especially true as you age. Losing muscle is part of aging, and it takes a real effort to fight against this as well as to develop muscle while we grow. Focusing on muscle mass and the nutrition for this positively promotes this aspect of our health.
We all might have our own perception on what the ideal nutrition is according to the experts and the books we have studied; or possibly from what commercials tell us, or even what our friends suggest to us. In reality, however, the ideal nutrition for one person might very well not be the ideal nutrition for you. Different foods affect different people differently. One person may greatly benefit from a food which may cause discomfort or stress in another individual. You might think that you have the ideal diet, but in reality, the very “nutritious” food you might think is good for you, could actually be causing you mental anxiety or low energy or even poor mood. It is important to evaluate how you feel after you eat so that you know what works for you. We can’t compare ourselves to others. We are all unique and have different needs and different reactions to what we ingest and this changes over the course of our lives. We must constantly assess our needs and care for ourselves after we accept each new phase of what is true about ourselves.
The 90 Day Total Total Transformation is a 12 week program which emphasizes habit changes that correlate with the client’s desired outcome. Strategic steps based on what is true about nourishing and healing the complete person are implemented to help the client develop awareness about how their lifestyle choices, their mindset and spiritual nourishment affect their overall health and wellbeing both positively and negatively. This awareness is then used to develop decision making, choices and habits which will assist in achieving the particular goal the client has, whether it pertains to weight loss, improved relationships, body composition, improved nutrition or dealing with anxiety and stress. An emphasis is put on client education about habit change, the human body, and the importance of each body system and how these systems affect each other as well as the impact of nutrition and environmental factors on the individual’s health and wellness. The full program utilizes the functional nutrition matrix from the Functional Nutrition Alliance and incorporates a full body system approach to health by looking at root cause resolution and the impact of genes, digestion, and inflammation on an individual’s health. Twelve weekly one hour sessions are included to guide and educate the client on the many aspects that impact their overall health.
Click here to get the 12 Week Health Through the Psalms Program Journal
Click here to get the 12 Week Brain Body Beliefs and Action Steps Journal
The 6 Week Intensive is a quality overview and educational experience to set the client up for quicker independence to develop habit changes which correlate with their wellness goals. It is suggested for individuals who feel ready for more challenging guidance to complement the positive habits which they have already incorporated into their lifestyle. This 6 Week Intensive works well for those who would like a shorter program to implement into their schedule or for those who do not feel quite ready for a 12 week program. The focus of the program is quite similar to the 12 week program but with more intense guidance based on the specific needs that the client as identified.
The 14 Day Cleanse is a gentle approach for individuals who have never attempted a cleanse or for those who are looking for another option to do a cleanse. This gentle approach allows the client to identify food sensitivities and reactions to food using a very simple approach and with very good guidance as different foods are added back. Groups are highly encouraged to do this together as the encouragement from others makes for a more pleasant experience. This can be easily incorporated into any of the other programs.
The 1 Power Session is a trouble shooting session to asses client needs and general “obvious or problematic” issues which might resolved through basic interventions utilizing the strategies of the other programs. This one session is suggested for anyone who feels that the other programs are just too much to handle at this time, but would like some suggestions on how to combat health issues they experience or who would like help in optimizing their current health and wellbeing. It is also an opportunity to assess how the other programs might be a good option and so can be applied to the purchase of any other program. A Premier Case Review and Digestive Assessment is completed by the client and coach prior to the meeting and is included to adequately launch the Power Session.