DynaMOMENTS – No One Who Does or Anyone Who Does Not

Psalm 101:7

“No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence.”

My friends, we know that deceit and speaking falsely are very ugly and damaging activities.  Let’s look at the word that comes before these, however.  This word is “practices”.  We usually put this word “practices” in the context of a musical instrument or in the context of sports, not in how we will live our daily lives.  Consider the meaning of practice.  To practice means to do over and over again as if to achieve proficiency or excellence in the action or the ability or the habit.  Truly, this is what develops a musician or an athlete into success, into a noticeable and respectable artist, into a skilled individual whom others admire, whom others notice and aspire to be like.  It is quite powerful.  Not many of us have achieved such excellence; it is the rare individual who stays the course over the long term with the diligence and wise endeavor that such excellence demands.

Now, let’s take a different twist and go to the New Testament book of First John.  In First John 3:7 and 8, we are told that the one who practices righteousness is righteous just as He is righteous and the one who does not practice righteousness is not righteous.  In other words, when we or others keep doing what is righteous – making a habit, or a practice, of trying to do what is right and showing progress in doing what is right, we are displaying what we believe and intend.  We are displaying what God has commanded.  We are displaying a life that is not practicing deceit and not speaking falsely.  This is the optimum norm that we hope to represent in our lives to honor God and to live a life of peace.  It reflects the path of righteousness that God has for all of us.

Now, let’s look at it from the negative using John’s words of “the one who does not “practice” righteousness is not righteous”. Let’s say it this way using the words from Psalm 101:7, “The one who does not practice deceit and the one who does not practice speaking falsely is not someone who will not dwell in my house or who will not stand in my presence.”  Did I make that a little hard to understand?  Sorry if I did, but I have a point to make here.  What I am trying to say is this…be careful whom you deem “will not” dwell in your house or who “will not” stand in your presence.  Be very careful.  In other words, reach out your hands and heart to minister to others who might not be as faithful and blameless as you think they “should” be. 

In MORE OTHER WORDS, let me convey this very strongly – REACH OUT especially to those who haven’t LEARNED HOW TO PRACTICE but are only imitating what they see from the world or from YOU.  Committing a sin or being misinformed or in darkness does mean one is “practicing”, it only means one does NOT yet know.  Pray for anyone and everyone so that they will realize what it means to “practice”.  May it be YOU who “practices” righteousness and who does “not practice” deceit nor speaking falsely.

So often we criticize, condemn and think the worst of others because we see something in them or catch them committing an error that at the time seems absolutely awful.  While it very indeed could be awful and not a righteous action, this does not mean we rid ourselves of them.  It means they sinned; they fell short; they did the same thing we possibly did last week.  Maybe we did not do this openly, but it could have occurred in our hearts.  Practicing deceit and speaking falsely are quite detrimental actions that none of us admire and most of us do not practice.  Yes, we may see this and we indeed do, but how often is it the practice of someone whom you rub shoulders with, someone who is in your circle, in your work place, in your realm of influence.   Hear me out, please do not reject individuals because they “make a mistake” or because they do something that “dishonors God”.  We are called to forgive, called to restore, called to confront, called to overlook, and DON’T FORGET…CALLED TO LOVE and FORGIVE and make a “practice” of this.

So, my friends, instead of thinking the worst of others and deciding that you have to “rid the earth of them” or “rid them from your presence”, consider what “practice” means.  Be ready to forgive, to restore, to confront in love, to gently guide and to do all of this humbly so that God is honored.  In the meantime, invite these individuals (including self) into your house and into your presence just as God invites you into His presence.  Embrace everyone with love.  Remember that “practice” takes dedication.  Dedication is far different than dealing with our carnal and sin natures which only God is able to deliver us from.  Truly, we all are in a process of becoming more like him.   Be quick to practice love.

Shall we rewrite the verse in our limited way to say this: “Anyone who does NOT practice deceit will dwell in my house; anyone who does NOT speak falsely will stand in my presence.”

My friends, be blameless by practicing gentle humility and allowing others to dwell in your house and stand in your presence.  “Practice” the love of God – He even “ate with sinners”.

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