DynaMOTIVATION – A Slob Comes Clean

Recently, I learned of a new website and podcast hosted by Dana K. White, a woman who admits to this, that she is “A Slob Comes Clean”.  Yes, she admits that she was a slob and now she talks and talks and talks, almost incessantly about decluttering.  Let me share what I have learned and how it relates to my goal for anyone who reads me – my goal for all of you to have a better brain, body and belief.


First of all, if you already know what I am going to say, let me remind you anyway that my process is this: remove the clutter from your life, establish habits and make choices that set you up for success, maintain a daily life in such a way that you continue to support and keep clean your complete person – your body, your brain, and your beliefs because they are all connected.  Why do we remove the clutter?  We remove the clutter so that our brain, body and beliefs will calm down, so that we have peace in all three, so that we then are able begin to nourish and modulate to better health.  Yes, get rid of the clutter first.  We can’t bring in enough good things to manage the clutter that we might have in our lives.  We must first rid ourselves of the clutter and this is a daily process.  Don’t feel bad about never being done.  It is a daily process to stay healthy for your family and for God so that you can do His will.  Might I remind you that decluttering your life is somewhat analogous to repenting of sin.  We can’t do enough good to outdo the sin in our lives.


So, what does Dana K. White say?  She spends hours and hours, over 300 podcasts, emphasizing the same message in different ways and for different situations.  Her message is this, “Get rid of the clutter!  Declutter!”  She breaks this down into manageable steps.  She states over and over, to the point of evoking laughter from me, that “you need to do the dishes and take out the trash”.  Her followers thank her for breaking things down to the obvious that they could not see, for understanding and having no judgment, for admitting her own inability to do this and yet move forward to conquering and doing this now.  Yes, her listeners are people just like you and me who thought they needed to organize the whole house and do things “perfectly” in order to be successful.  Now they know differently.   The process never ends and each step is progress.


Dana’s advice is invigorating.  She gets her listeners to clear the clutter without making a bigger mess.  “Start with taking out the trash,” she adamantly and unashamedly proclaims on every podcast.  “Just do the dishes.”  She makes the obvious seem manageable and recognizable for people who need help to realize and do this.  Just listening to her podcasts has inspired me to declutter, to throw more trash away, to give away what I haven’t used for years, to say goodbye to the stuff that has no meaning or isn’t relevant anymore, to release what is not serving me well.  Just listening to her helps me to help people with their health.  WHY?  BECAUSE WE HAVE TO GET RID OF THE CLUTTER AND THE TRASH IN OUR LIVES BEFORE WE CAN ENHANCE AND MODULATE OUR COMPLETE BEING TO BE AT OPTIMUM HEALTH.


How can I relate this to health in our brains, bodies and beliefs.  It’s so obvious what we “should do”.  We must remove the clutter from our lives.  So what clutter do we need to remove?  Let’s look at some obvious ones.  Remember, no judgment here.  I have complete understanding of the struggle.  I still struggle.  I still need to make daily choices to support my health.  I daily have downfalls that I regret.  I daily cry out to God and ask Him to be attentive to my cry for mercy, to my cry for help.  However, I will not make excuses, nor will I give up or refrain from telling you and reminding myself of what is trash and clutter in our lives.  Look at the chart and see the trash you could throw away and the clutter you could rid yourself of.



Ungodly Movies

Computer Time/Websites

Phone Time/Texting


Stressful Thoughts



Too Much News/Tabloids




Food in Bags and Boxes

No Exercise or Movement

Poor Sleep

Inconsistent Bowel Habits

Not Enough Fiber

Inadequate Water Intake


Lack of Truth and Faith

Little Prayer/Gratitude

No Bible Reading/Study

Failure to Fellowship

Refusal of Instruction




I could go on and on.  Please understand that everything I just listed is what I need to remove either daily or weekly or at least on a consistent basis, and for this, I need the Lord’s help.  I must admit, accept and act according to what I know is true.  Anything that goes against God and His will for me must go.   If I don’t do this, I guess I am being a spiritual SLOB, but if I will do this, I am becoming a servant of the Lord.

How about you?  What clutter and trash do you need to remove from your life?  It is tempting to focus on good works and think this will serve you well.  Don’t get me wrong.  Good works are part of the mature Christian’s focus but not to impress God or others.  Good works are only a reflection of the deeper you, the faith you possess, the action you move forward with based on your faith.  Your good works are to glorify our Heavenly Father.  Your belief affects your behavior.  Your behavior affects your belief.  Step forward in faith this week.  Take out the trash.  Declutter.  Remove the stuff that doesn’t need to be part of your life, the stuff that is damaging you, your brain, body and beliefs.  Remove the clutter that is in your way to feeling better, to having improved relationships, to experiencing the energy to do God’s will, to find satisfaction in God alone.  Move forward with the admission, “A Slob Comes Clean”.  No shame.  No regret.  No arrogance.  Just progress with humble submission to the Lord who was trashed so we could be His treasured possession.

Yes, take out the trash; confess your sins.  Yes, do the dishes; let God wash you with the watering of His Word.  Yes, declutter; forgive and let the judgment go.   Get rid of the selfish, loveless, obstinate and belligerent tendencies.  Be selfless and encouraging; be respectful and vigilant; be amiable and neighborly; be trustworthy.  Leave the rest up to God, and by doing this you will truly be a SERVANT of the LORD!

I Corinthians 16:14  “Do everything in LOVE.”

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