DynaMOMENTS – Faithful and Blameless


DynaMOMENTS – Faithful and Blameless


Psalm 101:6


“My eyes will be on the faithful of the land; he whose walk is blameless will minister to me.”


Could you turn your attention to the brain for a minute; to your thoughts; to the topic of psychology?  Considering the brain, your thoughts, and the topic of psychology, please understand that the brain and the whole interconnections of the different “matter” of it as well as psychology was God’s idea, not man’s.  Consider that long before neuroscientists proved that neuroplasticity is real (after years of mistakenly believing that the brain could not change, could not be transformed, could not be remedied), God himself knew that he made the brain like the rest of our finite humanness; he made the brain with the ability to heal, to be able to grow, to be able to be transformed.  Truly, renewing our minds with the truth of God’s word was an ancient truth that now is supported by our modern science and gives hope to many.


So, why should we consider this?  We should consider this because of the power of our eyes, the power of our attention, the power of our mindset and thought.  As the psalmist claims for himself, “My eyes will be on the faithful of the land,” so also should our eyes be on the faithful of the land.  Too often, we look at what is not faithful, what is not godly, what is not of good report (dare I say most of what is on social media or the news or the political sites).  Too often we focus on what is slander, what is troublesome, what is anxiety provoking.  Too often we focus on what might happen, what hasn’t happened, what we thought should have happened.  Let your focus be on the faithful of the land because the faithful of the land will direct you to the author and perfector of our faith.  The faithful of the land have perfect peace because their eyes are on the Lord, the most faithful.  The faithful of the land are imitators of Christ who shows us the way to live.


What about the blameless?  Yes, let them minister to you.  Why? Because they are blameless and any direction they give to you, both in word or deed, in lecture or any language, in example or expression, will show you the path of righteousness that God has for you and all of us.  They will be found on the narrow path that leads to life.  They will be a magnet to welcome your presence on the peaceful path that is for all, where there is no turning back, no pride, no slander, no reason to tire of living blamelessly.  Truly, the blameless will be about blessing others, not cursing or slandering.  The blameless will be about humility, not arrogance.  The blameless will be about loving God, not the things of this world.  The blameless will about the addiction to holy living, not the addiction to the latest “hot off the press” news event that has nothing to do with your life of abiding in Christ.


My friends, take a stand for blameless living by keeping your eyes on the faithful of the land and letting the blameless minister to you.  Get your eyes off the wide invitation of current topics that distract and destroy and get them on the narrow news announcements that will nourish your life and those around you.


Be blameless, my friends; be blameless.  Seek peace and pursue it.

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