DynaMOMENTS – No Slander, No Haughty Eyes, No Proud Heart

DynaMOMENTS – No Slander, No Haughty Eyes, No Proud Heart


Psalm 101:5


Whoever slanders their neighbor in secret, I will put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, I will not tolerate.


My friends, slander is serious sin.  Slander is serious damage which can be done to anyone at any time.  Slander is serious infliction that will require much repair.  Do not be part of it.


According to Psalm 101, please consider “when” the slander occurs.  It occurs “in secret”.  Also consider the difference between open language and secret slander.  If secrecy is involved with the statements made, we could consider that the individual who spoke these statements did not possess enough courage to openly make the particular comments in the first place.  Why not?  Maybe the comments were not true.  Maybe they were not warranted.  Maybe they were not loving and kind.  Proverbs tells us that when we repeat matters, we separate friends.  Proverbs tells us that a fool is critical of their neighbor.  Jesus tells us to love, forgive and do unto others as we would have them do unto us.  If we slander anyone, we are not living like Jesus.


Would you want statements, which are not true, made about you?  Would you want negative statements, which are true, made about you?  Would you want unwarranted comments about you, even if legitimate, spoken in secret about you?  None of us would.  We all want our sins to remain a secret, and none of us want lies spoken about us at any time.  This is what slander is.  Slander is a false statement made which damages a person’s reputation.  It is not even true, and yet, if spoken, others could believe it.  Others could be hurt or disappointed by it.  Others could change their actions and views based on it.


Let’s take this a bit further, however.  The psalmist will “put to silence” anyone who slanders their neighbor in secret.  How many of us have the courage to do this?  How many of us have the humility to do this?  How many of us need to do this to ourselves?  We think things in our hearts about others that  are not true.  In fact, we dwell on the negative attributes of others (which might be true) with a slanderous mindset that prepares the temptation to slander them to others.  We complain about others with hyperbolic statements which are not true.  We treat others based on things we believe about them that are not true.  All of this really leads to slander. We must look at ourselves.  Jesus wants us to do to others as we would have them do to us.  How many of us want our sins, mistakes, slip ups, moments of uncontrolled passion or expression, foolish words, unkind comments, incorrect statements or poor decisions secretly spoken to others with the intention to slander.  None of us would want this.  Therefore, we should offer this same grace to friend and foe.  It does not matter who the individual is.  Grace has been extended to us; we are to extend the same grace to others.  Compassion breeds more compassion.


About “haughty eyes” – let me say that again I will consider the haughtiness in myself before I consider the arrogance or “haughty eyes” of anyone else.  Please note the definition of “haughty”.  It means “arrogantly superior and disdainful”.  This is not a description of an attitude that is anything like love.  Clearly, to consider oneself as arrogantly superior and then to have disdain towards others is serious sin, serious error, serious cause for someone to be tempted to slander you.  In fact, a haughty spirit is one of the most unattractive aspects of anyone.  I tell my children that humility is their friend.  In addition to this, we could agree that true humility is very attractive.  Let others be attracted to God by the humility they see in you.  Humility, a far cry from a haughty spirit, is one of the safest places to be, one of the safest and most glorifying positions we could hold.  It magnifies His majesty.


When we consider the definition of “proud”, we see that it is more about how one feels as a result of their own endeavors and achievements or skills and accomplishments.  It is a deep sense of unhealthy pleasure in self.  Indeed, we derive a sense of pleasure in our accomplishments; however, if taken too far or allowed to increase too much, we run the risk of our ego’s growth and getting in the way of humility.  Continue to find satisfaction in a job well done, in a life that avoids slackness and in behavior which honors God without allowing your heart to grow proud leading to haughty eyes which show disdain toward others.


My friends, be blameless by silencing slander and by shielding yourself from haughty eyes and a proud heart.  Do not tolerate it, even for a moment. 

Seek peace and pursue it, my friends, by living a blameless life.


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