DynaMOMENTS – Perversity of Heart: In Me?

DynaMOMENTS – I Will Have Nothing


Psalm 101:4        The perverse of heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with what is evil.


My friends, it does not take long to enter a situation or season of sin.  It does not take long to glance at something only to have our focus shift from what is pure to what is perverse.  In fact, if we are not vigilant, we will easily be participating in something perverse without even knowing it or without our full awareness.  It could be gossip, complaining, arguing, judgment, jealousy, rage, impatience, disdain, contempt, mockery; it could be junk food, gluttony, greed, selfish ambition, pride, malice, vengeance; it could be laziness, breeches in integrity, justification of wrong behavior, bitterness, noncompliance, discord.  As if biking down a steep hill with no effort, we can fall into perversity and continue on it with great acceleration.  This will rapidly result in a reaping a “reward” we really don’t want and neither does God.


Our verse today claims that “the perverse of heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with what is evil.”  We might be quick to avoid “those who do such awful things”.  We might be quick to think “it is only others who do such awful things.”  We might be quick to judge “I better stay away from so and so or that person.” Not so fast, my friend.  The perverse of heart can be you; it can be me.  In fact, it is you; it is me.  I lead the group on this one.  The Lord has redeemed me, and He is sanctifying me and pruning me so that I become more like the Savior, more like Jesus who is meek and mild and fully surrendered to the will of the Father.  However, even when I am alone with God; even when I am trying to focus on Him and His truth; even when my bible is open, my thoughts are able to be “the perverse of heart” which I am trying to avoid.  We must all take heed; we must all take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ; we must all admit, accept and act according to the truth of God’s word, the truth of what is healthy for us spiritually, physically, and mentally.


Jesus is our standard.  The perverse of heart has the potential to rear its ugly head any old time of day within our own hearts.  Do not be so quick to dismiss others in the world.  We are called to preach the gospel and to go out into all the world but not be of the world.  Let me remind you.  All of us are able to be of this world without going out into the world.  We have computers, televisions, phones, IPads.  We have all sorts of ways to participate in the perversity that the world has to offer, but let’s not talk about the world.  Let’s look at ourselves; let’s look at our minds and hearts; let’s look at what we think, say and do. 


Recently, I was with a client at a restaurant helping her to order something healthy from the menu.  While I was present with her to explain ingredients, hidden items and the changes that are made to food to make it more pleasing and desirous, my client very easily saw how perverse even food has become.  She was able to see that even the tiniest addition of an ingredient triggers more cravings, weight gain, inflammation and increased blood pressure.  In fact, the pictures of perversity were all around us – the pies, the cakes, the muffins, the words, the invitation to buy more for a discount, the excuse to participate in gluttony without guilt.  My client is eating healthy to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, decrease weight and to honor God.  About 99% of what surrounded us was perverse; it was against God’s plan to live a healthy life to do His will; it was against God’s desire for us to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” 


Our world has perverted almost everything God has created.  This perversion is not just occurring in the world, however.  Within the church we also have perversity.  In fact, anything that stands between you and God or me and God is “perversity”.  It is an idol.  We do not need the help of the world for this to be our condition.  Our own flesh, mind and heart require the attention of our command in obeying God and His word so that we do not become “the perverse.” 


Need I say more?  While we might separate ourselves from certain situations, events, or people, we must always be on guard to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and separate ourselves from these thoughts by casting them down.  We must consider every view we allow to our eyes.  We must have nothing to do with false satisfaction apart from God even in regard to food.   As I mentioned earlier, the perverse of heart can rear its ugly head so easily.  Judge yourself before you judge the perversity of anything or anyone else.


Be blameless, my friends.  Be blameless.


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