DynaMOMENTS – Oxytocin

Proverbs says that a kind word is like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. It says that a timely word is like apples of gold in settings of silver. It says that a soft answer turns away wrath. It says that whoever keeps their tongue keeps their soul from trouble. You already know the holiday scene – everyone in a rush, trying to be happy, trying to manage stress, doing too much, too many parties, too much food, too many purchases, and on top of all of that, dealing with long lines. Maybe you have heard grievous words that stir up anger during this time – all because people are under more pressure than usual.

It was only a brief moment, but it made my day. Shopping for necessary items, I stood in a line behind people who had huge carts. The cashier actually called me by name to head to another lane that was being opened; however, another individual took the opportunity to take up residence in the new line that was supposed to be mine. I somehow was in more of a mood to analyze the psychology of human behavior rather than claim my rights and fight for position. I stayed in my lane, but the woman behind me knew what happened and reacted with a controlled indignant manner. I smiled and moved on, but then I said to myself, “No, I will not let this pass without connecting.” Her reaction helped me. So I said to her, “You know, just that you shared this with me is enough. Do you know what I mean?” She threw her hands in the air with a huge, authentic smile and responded, “Yes, I get it; it was.” We both were at ease; we smiled; we got it and we were satisfied.

So what was it? What made us accept it? What nourished us to be satisfied here? We all vie for our place in lines, don’t we? We all are in a hurry, aren’t we? We usually share these experiences alone, but this was different. Having someone else share this with me made it all better. It was an oxytocin moment. Someone cared and understood. I didn’t have to “get cut off in traffic” and bear it alone. Enjoying that connection made all the difference. This is what a hug does or holding a baby or hearing a kind word, a word of understanding that shows empathy and care. It helps calm and enhance us; it helps to motivate us to continue; it helps us realize that we aren’t alone.

What can you do today to help someone feel connected, to share something good or bad with them, to let them know that they are not alone – that someone cares.? Don’t hold back; don’t ignore the obvious; don’t turn away. Embrace the situation, the opportunity, the struggle. Be there for someone expecting nothing in return. Be there for individuals giving them the word they need at that moment in time. Don’t be afraid. Share the moment with them so that the moment will be even better. Good or bad; it will be better even if they don’t tell you. And what is said and done in secret will be known by the Lord who sees all; nothing is hidden from His view.

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