DynaMOTIVATION – Diligence

Proverbs says the diligent man will prosper. It says there is profit in all labor. It says that the sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied. Where are you today? Are you satisfied? Are you diligent? Are you craving? Do you feel motivated to follow through on what you know is good for you, for your family, for your friends? Take a moment to consider where you are and what choices you have been making. Take a moment to consider the habits you have. Take a moment to consider the effects your surroundings (both physical and emotional inputs) are having on you. Consider the motivation you have and what strengthens it as opposed to what weakens it. Don’t beat yourself up; just be aware. Think about one step you could take in a healthy direction for your brain, body and beliefs – all three. Take that step. Small hinges swing big doors; don’t give up. Even when you don’t feel motivated, moving in the right direction for your overall health will help increase the motivation. Keep moving, physically and mentally; keep moving in friendships and relationships, in kindness and empathy, in giving and in receiving. It is all connected. One step at a time this week. So much to do; so much to celebrate; so much to prepare. Don’t get overwhelmed by grandiose expectations; keep it simple and just take one step at a time.

3 thoughts on “DynaMOTIVATION – Diligence”

  1. This is absolutely true and inspiring. I sense a constant pressure to be discouraged and sad at the holidays but your directives speak positive decisions that can and do counter this downward pull. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement Maureen!!!!

  2. Love this holistic approach to well-being. Only realistic, small steps aligned with one’s values will bring sustainable change.

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